onsdag den 29. september 2010


IC, the international building
Officially opened this summer,2010, by the princess of Thailand

The temple on campus

Our pool, mostly empty since thai people don't wanna be in the sun

there's a reason why its called rain season

The main street and the entrance to campus

Outside my home at KTN, on my way the school.

Finally home after running through the rain looking like two human condoms...

De seneste dage har været helt ekstreme hvad angår regn. Gaderne er fyldt med vand og skidtet flyder over alt. Det er primært om aftenen det regner og mens det står på er det helt umuligt at komme rundt, selv taxa'erne må give op. Filmen er optaget på vej hjem fra Whitebar, hvor vi måtte gå det sidste stykke da taxaen ikke kunne komme frem og vandet begyndte at løbe ind i bilen. Det øverste billede er dagen derpå, hvor Rangsit stadig er oversvømmet og vi endnu engang måtte gå barfodet igennem pøllevandet for at komme til skole.

Weekend trip to Ko Tao

Scandinavians, Smile and Le


Sunset over Koh Tao

mandag den 20. september 2010

Weekend trip to Ko Chang

Lonely Beach...

The poncho girls... the Beatles... four crazy girls, two motorbikes
and a beautiful island waiting to be explored

Oona, me and our friend from the peace corps, Andrew


The Beatles... named after a random guy has been observing us and listening to our conversation "so you're like the female version of the Beatles..."

Inside our jungle hut where the
scandinavians live.

My first, and only, "Wai" to a buffalo.

Feeling great!!

Oh Helloo... mokeys everywhere
on our way to the village

The place of our escape.


søndag den 12. september 2010

Ba Pa-in Palace and Ayuthaya

My home at KTN Apartment, room 405

Me in my uniform outside my home KTN

Our laundry place next to our building

KTN apartment

My room


My room from the other side with the balcony.

lørdag den 11. september 2010

Rangsit Market

Lucky frogs

This lady is very famous for her sticky rice and mango. Every week she receives an order from a restaurant in Sweden, who sell the desert as a specialty.

onsdag den 8. september 2010

Kanchanaburi - caves and Erawan National Park

Chilling in his hammock while he's pulling us on the big raft...

Swimming in the waterfall

Hiking in the national park

Inside the cave

Two scandinavians...